Thursday, December 26, 2013

Chicago Weekend

In early December, Stephanie hosted a gathering of our group of girls at her house in Chicago.  By some small miracle, most of us were able to make it!  If you are sensing a theme here, I did not bring my camera and took very few pics with my phone.  I did bring my kiddos!  Well, Nathan came the whole way with us on Friday night, but poor Natalie got carsick about an hour into our drive.  At the time we didn't know if that was the problem, and didn't want to risk bringing a sick kiddo into a house full of little ones. So, poor Todd, who had been looking forward to a weekend ALL BY HIMSELF had to come and get Nat.  Turned out it was just a fluke, and he ended up bringing her to Chicago to join us the next day.

There were seven adults and seven kids 5 and under, and two kids in utero. Crazy! Awesome! It was a great couple of days talking, laughing, chasing kids, feeding kids, talking, laughing, staying up late, drinking too much wine (for the non-preggos) and just generally enjoying the love and chaos of a group of old friends and their offspring. So much fun!!  

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