Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend fun

This weekend was a really great balance of being productive around the house and being social. We had a lowkey evening on Friday, just logging some time as couch potatoes. Saturday we put some much-needed energy into cleaning the house--it had been way too long, and it feels SO nice to have it clean now! If only it would stay that way...

Saturday evening our friends Michael and Janine came over for dinner with their two kids Mikayla (3) and Noah (15 months). Nathan was super excited to have big kids in his house, and just watched, fascinated, as they raced around the house. Later that night, Lindsey came into town and stayed the night with us. It was really great to spend some one on one time with her this morning. Have I ever mentioned that I really miss having all my friends live close by???

The reason Linds was in town was to attend Annalee's baby shower this afternoon. She, Jen, Patti, Nathan and I all caravaned down to Annalee's parents' house in Three Rivers. The house is absolutely beautiful, as is the glowing mommy-to-be!

This evening Stuart and Erin stopped in to say hi on their way back to Chicago after spending the weekend in Ann Arbor; Nancy and Dan came over too.

Now my baby's in bed, my hubby's working out in the shop, and my blog is up to date--time to snuggle up with a cup of tea and my sheepdog!

Annalee opening presents.

The girls (and a cute little boy!): Jess, Lindsey, Annalee, Jenn, Patti

Dan and I

Aunt Erin and Nathan

The fam hanging out

Isn't he just adorable?? :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Big Bath Tub

Nathan is finally steady enough sitting up that he has graduated from the infant bath tub to the big one! He loves to splash his hands in the water, which means that the person bathing him is often soaking wet by the end, and play with his bath toys. Such a cutie!

Northport Weekend

This weekend we went up to Northport with Dan and Annalee. Our visions of spending the entire weekend sunning, swimming and boating were foiled by 60 degree, drizzly weather. While this was a bummer (we haven't been out in the boat once this summer!) we had an absolutely fantastic time just hanging out at the cottage. On Saturday we went to Leland to dine on the peerless pretzel bread sandwiches from The Village Cheese Shanty. Sunday the sun came out for a little while, so we took a walk over at Timber Shores.

It was so great to have an entire weekend to spend time with Annalee and Dan. There was enough time for the deep conversations and the silly ones. We also had a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa, which was lovely as well. Going up in smaller groups allows for more one-on-one time, allowing for good conversation and a relaxed atmosphere. Nathan woke up really early both mornings we were there (I guess he hasn't figured out that sleeping in is the way to go while vacationing!) so he and I were out on the porch with Grandma and Grandpa while the others were sleeping. I think they liked having some time with Nathan all to themselves. :) Below are a few pictures from the weekend. Although there is no photographic evidence of it, I was also there for the weekend!

Grandma and Nathan test driving the umbrella stroller that she got for him to have up at the cottage.

Trying out the tricycle that Grandpa Basil restored. Nathan will be the third generation to ride it!

Snuggling with Grandpa

Playing on the floor with Deuce.

Daddy introducing Nathan to Fishtown in Leland.

Annalee discovering why it felt like she kept running into branches while walking through the woods! :)

All lounged back and enjoying nature!

View of the Grand Traverse Bay from Timber Shores

Hanging out on the porch, where we spend most of our time.

Daddy's tongue is funny!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nathan's professional photos

The sneak peek of the photos Becky took of Nathan are here!!! I am overwhelmed with Becky's talent as a photographer, and I think her subject is pretty cute too! :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Eight Months Old!

It's hard to believe, but Nathan turned eight months old on Monday! He is SO busy these days! He really, really wants to sit up and move on his own, and is getting frustrated that he can't figure out how to crawl--the commando rolling does the trick but is too slow for Nathan's taste! I have a feeling that it won't be long before he puts together all of the strength and movement he's discovered with the coordination that allows him to crawl. Below are a two videos taken this week.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Last Friday (8/7), Nathan waved for the first time! When Todd went to pick him up from daycare, Nathan gave him a big grin and a full arm wave!! Needless to say, Daddy was thrilled! Now Nathan waves at just about everything and everyone--people, Deuce, Ozzie, the handsome baby in the mirror--SO adorable! We've been trying to capture it on video. Below is one of our unsuccessful attempts, and then I finally caught the action this morning (2nd video).


Nathan is currently enamored with grabbing things, banging them together, banging on them with his hands, transferring them from one hand to the other, shaking them to see if they rattle, tasting them, using them as teethers... he's in a constant state of exploration, and it is so fascinating and funny to watch!

This morning I am home with Nathan, as I am flying off on my first post-baby business trip this afternoon. The panic and guilt I feel about this is awful, but the one positive is getting to spend today with my little guy.

My phone was nearby this morning (real camera in the other room) so I took some photos and video of Nathan discovering the joys of tupperware!

Nathan's also starting to be really interested in books--pointing at the pictures, turning the pages, and of course tasting them! :)

Tupperware + playing with Mommy = FUN!

Happy Hour with the Andersons

Sorry I haven't posted lately; things have been really hectic at work and home! Last week the Andersons were in town from Connecticut. Becky was nice enough to set some time aside from her vacation to shoot some photos of Nathan--I am dying to see them! She is a fantastic photographer, and after years of encouragement from friends and family, she has taken the huge step of creating her own photography business!! Check out her site:

In addition to the photo shoot, we got to see Becky, Andy, Hannah and Leah at Bell's for happy hour on Friday. The beer garden at Bell's in the summertime is full of little kids running around, so it was the perfect place for a gathering. The Hilliards were there, as well as Becky's mom, Michele, Nabil and some other friends of the Andersons that I rarely get to see.

Every time I get together with Becky I am reminded anew what a great person she is, and how much I miss seeing her every week.

I took a few pictures with my phone (I forgot to bring my real camera) so the resolution isn't great, but you get the idea! :)

Becky and Michele

Robert, Patti, Nathan and Carter (peeking through between his mom and dad!)

Hannah and Teah (who I have recently learned is 4 1/2, not 3) coloring together

Big girl Hannah with her pretzel!

One of Leah's specialties is emptying an entire box of baby wipes in a matter of seconds!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dan's birthday

On Sunday we went to Dan and Nancy's house to celebrate Dan's birthday. It was a beautiful day, and we enjoyed our meal out on the deck. I love summer!

Uncle Jordan, Nathan and Todd hanging out on the couch.

Nathan and the giraffe that Grandma Nancy got him in Suttons Bay.

Apparently Jordan's shoelaces looked tasty!

Playing with the stacking bowls.

The birthday boy blowing out his candles.

My cute hubby


On Saturday we had a mini-reunion with some of my dearest friends from college. By some delightful coincidence, Jenn, Lindsey and Annalee were all in Kalamazoo the same weekend, and our family and the Hilliards were home as well. We had a potluck dinner together and just enjoyed each other's company and watched the kids play together. Nathan was in heaven with his very own big kids running around! Lindsey and Mike's son (Austin, 4) and daughter (Addison, 22 months) were so cute and so well behaved. Unfortunately, Patti and Robert's daughter (Teah, 3) got sick that day, so Patti and Robert came over in shifts without the kids. It was a bummer that we didn't get to see Teah and Carter, but the great thing about having the Hilliards living in town made it possible for Patti and Robert to still join in on the fun! Dan and Mike were in town at a golf tournament all day, but they stopped by for a little while at the end of the night. I would have liked to spend more time catching up with them, but was really happy we were able to chat for a little while. I didn't take many pictures since I was busy chatting, but I did manage to snap a few:

Austin, Nathan and Addison playing in the living room.

Isn't Austin a cutie??

Do you think Nathan is teething?? Check out all that drool!

Jenn and Annalee enjoying dinner.

Linds with all of the kids.


On Monday we took the ferry out to Alcatraz. The admission fee included a roundtrip (thank goodness!) ferry ride and an audio tour, which was narrated by former Alcatraz corrections officers and inmates. It was great to be able to wander around the prison while learning about the different places, the history and the people. It is a really neat and pretty creepy place. We were all surprised by how small it is--not a ton of cells, but they housed some of the most notorious prisoners of the time. While in the recreation yard, those prisoners had some of the most breathtaking views of the city, the Golden Gate Bridge and the entire bay--they could certainly see what they were missing!

View of the island from the ferry.

View of the prison from a little way above the dock--it was a little bit of a hike to get up to the main building, as it's perched at the very top of the island.

View from the recreation yard. Except for the whole being in prison part, it's a beautiful spot!

View of the prison from the corner of the recreation yard.

My sweet boy and I.

Joanna and Steve watching the baby seagulls who were all along the edge of the island.

Nathan having lunch before we started the tour--can't go to prison on an empty stomach!

Father and son

The cells were really small.

One of the main corridors.

Todd checking out the view from outside of the Warden's office.

San Francisco!

Todd making himself at home!

Do you think they would let Nathan and I be roommates?

They look awfully happy for being inmates!

After we returned to the mainland, we swung through Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf to see the sea lions and the crazy tourist scene. The sea lions were really cute, but more than a little odiferous, and Fisherman's Wharf was totally overwhelming, especially at the end of the day! It made me glad that we were hanging out with the locals. :)