Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Basket

Several weeks ago, I received the Pottery Barn Kids catalog. I am not sure how I got on their mailing list, but it is almost torture to look at because I love almost everything in there, and can afford not one single thing! What caught my eye most in the latest issue was the adorable display of Easter baskets! I really liked the one, below, with the green and blue plaid. However, I was not about to spend $50 on an Easter basket. Not only is that not in my budget, but it seems like an awful lot of moola to be laying out for a basket that's used once a year.

So last week while doing some organizing, I happened upon a basket I already owned that was pretty darn cute and already in my house. I mulled this over for a bit, and then realized that I had some really cute Amy Butler fabric in my stash that had a little boy's Easter-y feel to it. So tonight I got out my sewing stuff and made a liner out of fabric I had on hand for the basket I had on hand. I think it turned out pretty darn cute! And the price was right. :)

My inspiration image (the one I liked the best was the green/blue plaid that's on the stool):

My version:

Pre-bathtime project

Bathtime is one of Nathan's favorite activities, but last night he had to make sure that the high chair straps were buckled before he could go splash in the tub! :)

Bubble video

Nathan really loves bubbles. In fact, unless we are prepared to blow bubbles or deal with a tantrum, we have to keep the container hidden! Yesterday evening we had some "bubble time" that inspired shrieks of joy from N. He also knows the sign for "more" and although he usually uses it to ask for more food, he applied it in a new situation--requesting more bubbles! :)

PS--What do you think of the new blog layout?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rockford Visit

We went up to Rockford today with Dan and Nancy to have lunch with Grandma Fowle at The Corner Bar, which is famous for its hot dogs. We had a tasty lunch and enjoyed catching up with Grandma. She hadn't seen Nathan since Christmas, and couldn't believe how much he's grown and changed in the last few months. He was a very good boy at the restaurant, although toward the end of the meal he was getting a little restless, so he and Todd went on a tour of the restaurant.

After lunch we walked over to the Wolverine shoe store to get Nathan some sandals for the summer (his first pair of Tevas!). It was several blocks from the restaurant, and Nathan walked almost the WHOLE way! Just this weekend he has really embraced walking as something that he wants to do in order to get somewhere, rather than just a silly trick that makes mommy and daddy happy. He was SO proud of himself, walking down the sidewalk like a big boy. Unfortunately, with greater mobility comes greater potential for injury, and N toppled over onto the sidewalk, almost caught himself, but then bonked his forehead on the concrete. :( Needless to say, there were tears, and there's now a pretty impressive scrape/goose-egg on his forehead. I'm sure it is the first of many he'll have in his life, poor kid.

Walking is tiring work!

New Toys

Saturday brought an early Easter package for Nathan from Great Grandma and Grandpa Lewis. He had a ball unpacking the box of cute clothes and books, but the biggest hit was the wind-up Easter chick--that is hilarious! He giggled every time it would come toward him.

Todd spent the afternoon shopping for a new grill to replace the one that I got him for Christmas the first year we were dating--in 1999! Todd nursed it along many years past its life expectancy, but it was finally time to replace it. After buying and assembling it, Todd grilled up some absolutely outstanding steaks. If that meal was any indication, this is going to be an excellent partnership! :)

Lowkey Friday Evening

For some reason on Friday, Nathan was really into feeling our faces. The whole time I was nursing him, he held on to the tip of my nose--not squeezing it or anything, just holding it gently. It was really sweet! Then after dinner N had to spend some time exploring Daddy's face.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Surprise Visit from Jordan

Jordan was on spring break from school this week, and decided to drive home and spend a few days taking care of odds and ends in Kalamazoo. Since he arrived on Monday morning and left on Friday afternoon, we only saw him briefly (silly work, getting in the way of all our free time). Still, it was great to see him in person, and Nathan was pretty excited to see his Uncle Jord.

Subaru Project: Accomplished

This week Todd finished up the work on the '99 Outback that he drove home from Grand Rapids in 2nd gear about a month ago. He removed the junk transmission from this car, removed a functioning transmission from another Subaru that is waiting in the wings to be flipped, and then successfully installed it into this car. A co-worker of Bryan Lepley's was waiting in the wings to purchase the car, and it went to its new home on Wednesday evening. Before it left, Todd took some photos of the finished product (although the vast majority of the work was done under the hood) and of course there are a few of Nathan in the mix too!

The finished product--all six gears are functional!

New rear bumper cover

The Electra in her spot in the shop, patiently waiting for the day she'll be fully restored, and the next project car waiting in the wings after donating her transmission to the white Outback.

As seen in a video in a previous post, Nathan loves the Jeep. It's been parked outside while Todd was working on the Subaru, and every time he has the opportunity, N makes a beeline for the Jeep! He loves to point out every part of the snowplow, bumper, headlight, etc.

My sweet hubby and his Jeep.

My sweet boy eating sticks.


My car had to join in on the photo shoot--check out those two '99 Limiteds!

Manual Dexterity

For the past few weeks, Nathan has been on a mission, both at home and at school, to figure out the inner workings of the high chair buckle. Every day he practices, and just in the last few days he has been consistently successful. It's so amazing to watch him set a goal and work and work until he figures it out. Those gears are always turning!

When Nathan's focusing on something, he makes the cutest little pouty face with his lips. Man, I love this kid! :)

Innagural Beer Garden Trip

Last Thursday was sunny and unseasonably warm and sunny, so we spontaneously decided to meet up with our friend Andrea and her two little girls at the Bell's beer garden for a happy hour brew in the sunshine. It was our first trip to the garden all year--spring must be close!

Nathan was thrilled to discover that Bell's is doing some remodeling, so there was a construction zone with some trucks and a backhoe and other alluring equipment. He spent quite a bit of time attempting to get behind the fence and into the construction site to check things out!

I love the fact that we have a local brewery in town with a great outdoor space that is so kid-friendly. On a sunny afternoon the garden is filled with families and little kids running around everywhere.

Taking Daddy on a tour of the beer garden.

Checking out the wacky big boy chair

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nathan videos

Some Nathan videos from the last week.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dining Al Fresco

Nancy and Nathan are playing together today, and when Todd joined them for lunch, they all decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and have lunch out on the deck. Todd sent me these pictures. Nathan loved feeling the wind in his hair!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Video of N's new walking skills

This evening after dinner we decided to see if Nathan was interested in experimenting with his newfound walking skills. Tonight he actually seemed pretty excited about and impressed by his new skills. In fact, after this video was taken, we got him into his pjs, and he walked from his changing table across his bedroom and out the door to the bathroom!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daddy's Boy

Nathan's been really into giving kisses lately (complete with the "MWAH" sound effects). Today Daddy was the object of his affection. My boys are so sweet!

First Steps!!!!

Ok, so a lot of fun stuff happened this weekend that I will blog about, but this afternoon, Nathan took his first steps!!!!!!

He needs some encouragement to start (holding a hand that we gradually let go) and some incentive (the ball or some goldfish crackers), but N walked back and forth between Todd and I multiple times this afternoon! I don't think Nathan fully realized the importance of the independence that this represents for him, but Todd and I were pretty darn proud. And I'm so glad that we were both there together to witness yet another marvelous development in our son's life. This whole parenthood gig is pretty amazing.

Hopefully we'll have pics and a video soon!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nature Boy

We have had an absolutely amazing stretch of weather for the last week--in fact, we've had the most sunny days in a row in the last 12 months! Temperatures in the low to mid 50s has accompanied the sunshine and everyone in the entire state seems to be walking with an extra bounce in their step.

Nathan has spring fever as well. He has recently discovered that outside is an awesome place to be, and wants to go out all the time. He'll crawl over to the slider door and point to the handle while looking at us hopefully.

We took advantage of the "Colorado spring break" weather of temperatures in the 50s but snow on the ground to do some sledding and playing outside.

Laughing at his silly dog playing in the snow.

Time to get out of the sled and investigate the cherry tree.

Hmm... this bark stuff comes off of the tree.

I wonder how it tastes?


He really wanted to stomp on the snow, but just wouldn't let go of the tree to do it!