Sunday, May 31, 2009

Relaxing weekend

Aside from the fact that I had to work on Saturday morning, this weekend was just about perfect! Friday night we had a lazy evening around the house. While I was at work on Saturday, Todd and Nathan went out to lunch with Grandma Nancy. Todd introduced Nancy to the delectable pork sandwich at Martinis, and Nathan provided ample entertainment by smiling and squealing and studying Grandma while she performed the mysterious and fascinating task of eating.

Saturday evening Todd, Nathan and I met up with Joey and Toby at Bell's and enjoyed the sunshine in the beer garden. Gotta love a beer garden on a sunny Saturday afternoon when the ratio of kids to adults is about even! Toby and Joey came back to our house, and we grilled some burgers. Nathan went to bed, the guys had a bonfire in the backyard and I enjoyed a bath and an early bedtime!

Sunday was an absolutely beautiful day! I finally made the time to do some gardening (pics will follow in a subsequent post). Todd shampooed the carpet in the living room and hallway, which was a long overdue chore--it looks beautiful now, and it was great that he could open all the windows to help with the drying process. After we were done with our chores for the day, we just relaxed on a quilt in the backyard. Nathan absolutely loves the outdoors! If he's a little fussy or out of sorts, wandering around outside looking at all the plants and feeling the wind and the sunshine lifts his mood immediately.

So relaxed and happy!

Yet another Mommy and Nathan self-portrait.

Nathan loves to watch the leaves of our choke cherry tree moving in the breeze.

Playing with the monster that Aunt Joanna and Uncle Steve gave him for Christmas; he especially loves chewing on the feet!

Telling Daddy a story.


Nathan has definitely found the volume button on his voice! He loves to shriek and squeal at the top of his lungs, and thinks he's pretty hilarious. I caught it on video yesterday afternoon and thought I'd share:

Evening with Grandma and Grandpa

Tuesday evening Dan and Nancy came over for dinner and a little quality time with Nathan. It was a beautiful evening, so we all relaxed in the backyard.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Meijer Gardens Adventures

Sunday was an absolutely beautiful day, and we really wanted to spend some time outside. Unfortunately, the mosquitoes were still overly abundant at the house, so we decided to spend the afternoon exploring Frederick Meijer Gardens. This is a beautiful collection of nature trails, outdoor sculpture and indoor greenhouses. Given the gorgeous weather, we decided to spend time wandering around the one mile Sculpture Garden loop, admiring the artwork and landscaping.

Nathan did really well, just hanging out in the stroller that Grandma Gail got for her house. He got really sleepy and dozed off for a little while, but did not really get a good nap in that day. Despite that, he was in pretty good spirits.

After the Gardens, we headed home for dinner and watched Slumdog Millionaire. Monday we relaxed around the house for a few hours before saying our goodbyes and heading back home to get ready for the work week.

The centerpiece of the sculpture garden.

Admiring the huge horse sculpture

Nathan loves his Daddy!

Those two look like they would make beautiful children! :)

The lovebirds! This is a gorgeous photo you two!

Family photo op

Relaxing at the end of the day.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Family Photo Shoot

Once we all got up, fed and showered on Saturday, we headed off to a local park for a family photo shoot. Luckily we were able to get a good shot pretty quickly, as the mosquitoes were absolutely awful!! We tried to go for a walk around the park after taking photos, but we had to cut it short because we were literally surrounded by swarms of the hungry bugs. We admitted defeat and made a beeline for the car. On our way back to the house we stopped in at a beautiful greenhouse known for its gorgeous hanging baskets. It inspired me to get to work on my gardens. Unfortunately, the inspiration is there, but the time to fulfill it has not presented itself yet. Maybe this weekend...

The Emhof/Fowle/Petrone family!

Steve and Joanna--I love this pic of you two!

Attempting to enjoy nature, with Deuce leading the way.

Still smiling, confident that we can outpace the mosquitoes

Deuce is such a rebel!

At the greenhouse after fleeing the bugs. Nathan lost the battle with his heavy eyelids and slept through this stop!

Lazy Saturday Morning

Since the California contingent of our family was on Pacific time, and our little man is on bright and early Eastern time, we had very leisurely mornings all weekend before each day's activities began. So, in true Emhof style, we used the opportunity to take some photos!

Uncle Steve and Aunt Joanna

Steve and Joanna came to Michigan for the long weekend. This was the first time that Joanna met Nathan, and he's changed a ton since Steve met him less than a week after he was born. Nathan was his usual sweet self, and was soon smiling and flirting away. He thought Steve was especially hilarious, grinning like crazy any time Steve looked his way. I loved watching Joanna and Nathan interact with each other--she is so sweet and took such delight in him. It was really nice to spend more time together too; it made me even more excited that she's going to be my sister!

Uncle Steve, Aunt Joanna and Nathan

Joanna's parents got Nathan two beautiful spoons, one with a duck and one with a bunny on it. Our genius child knew exactly what to do with it and stuck it right in his mouth! :)
Nathan loves to stand up--his legs are really strong, and his balance is remarkably good.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Anniversary Celebration

To celebrate our anniversary, Todd and I actually went out on a date, just the two of us! That's only happened one other time since December 17th. :) Nathan stayed with my parents, and Todd and I went out to dinner in Grand Rapids at a really cute restaurant in EastTown called The Winchester. It was a nice enough evening that we were able to sit outside on the patio. We had some gourmet fried cheese for an appetizer (fancy cheese fried in fancy dough and served with fancy dip) and then we each ordered a yummy Cuban Reuben sandwich. They came with plantain chips on the side. Delicious!

After dinner we went to the movies to see the new Terminator flick. Since Todd and I are both total Terminator geeks, we really enjoyed it, even though it's received dubious reviews from some critics.

All in all it was a really great evening!

Todd and I enjoying our reubens.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Visit from the Sarapus

Leslie, Alex and Evan are in Kalamazoo this weekend for Alex's sister's wedding. They were able to squeeze a little time out of their wedding and family commitments to come to our house for a little while yesterday. It's hard to believe, but this was the first time that Leslie and Alex met Nathan. It was such a beautiful day that we hung out in the backyard. It was so great to see them, Evan is so much fun!! I just wish that they would move to Kalamazoo...

5 year wedding anniversary

Five years ago today, Todd and I got married! That day was just full of overwhelming love, for my new husband and for all of our family and friends who were there to support us. It was an amazing feeling to be in a room of 200 people, and know that every single person there was someone I love!

The last five years have been full of joy, full of challenges, full of opportunity, some tears and full of laughter and growth--full of LIFE. Todd is my best friend and my soulmate. We've done a lot of growing up together, and worked hard through some tough challenges to form a strong relationship. Now, as we are on the journey of parenthood together, I am thrilled at the joy that we take in each other and in our son. It is amazing and wonderful to see my favorite man on the planet becoming the most incredible father. I am thankful every day that I married Todd Lewis Fowle!

Here are some pics from May 22, 2004!

Mr. and Mrs. Fowle!

The wedding party--full of family and friends who are as close as family

1940 Buick!

Eating our DELICIOUS BBQ dinner! Notice the napkin to keep the BBQ sauce off my dress--classy! :)

First dance as husband and wife to Chicago's Happy Man


Time to boogie!