Thursday, October 20, 2011

One Month Old!

I can hardly believe it, but it's true--Natalie is one month old today!  Time is such a funny thing.  On one hand it's hard to believe it's already been a month since Natalie entered the world and our family, and on the other hand if feels like she's always been part of our our life.  She continues to be a little sweetheart of a baby.  She really only cries when she's hungry, filling her diaper, or having a little trouble falling asleep. Sleep-wise she has been really kind to us by newborn standards.  She's not really in a regular pattern, but there have been a few nights when she's given us a five hour stretch of sleep (one night it was six!).  Then she'll have a night where she eats more frequently, but we really can't complain. 

Another inevitable milestone has been reached; Natalie has her first cold.  I guess that's one of the hazards of  having an older brother who loves to shower his sister with kisses and daycare germs! :)  The poor thing was pretty miserable over the weekend, and could only sleep on her tummy on an incline, which meant on my chest or Todd's.  Needless to say, we did not get much sleep over the weekend!  Luckily she's feeling a little better now, and able to get some sleep back in her bed.

Natalie still fits in her newborn sized clothes and diapers, although she's starting to get too long for the newborn pjs.  Her legs, arms and belly are starting to fill out and get some rolls, and she has a double chin.  As that description may indicate, nursing is still going really well--this girl loves to eat!  Nursing has been such a pleasure for both of us.

You know me, I had to do a one month photo shoot, using the chair in the nursery and the quilt I made her as a backdrop (I just realized I haven't done a nursery or quilt post, and that's been added to my to-do list).

Natalie did not initially think that the photo shoot was a good idea.

Stopping to contemplate whether the pink sock monkey (made by the super talented Hillary) made the situation better.

No! The monkey did not make it better!

Ok, monkey's been removed, things are looking up.

Our gorgeous girl.  Happy one month birthday, Love!

Road Trip to Rockford

On Saturday the four of us hopped in the car and caravan-ed with Dan and Nancy up to Rockford.  We met up with Grandma Fowle, Clem, Tom, Gary and Peggy at a favorite local haunt, The Corner Bar.  This was the first time that Dan's mom, brothers and sisters-in-law met Natalie.  Grandma was especially excited to meet her great-granddaughter; she loves little babies!

Both Nathan and Natalie were on excellent behavior at the restaurant, which allowed the rest of us to eat and chat. 

Great Grandma Fowle and Natalie

Nancy, Nathan, Clem and Tom

Daddy and Natalie both needed a nap after our outing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meeting Lake Michigan

Last Monday was another unseasonably warm and sunny 80 degrees.  Nancy had the day off of work, and on the spur of the moment we decided to drive out to South Haven and introduce Natalie to Lake Michigan, which is one of mine and Nancy's favorite places in the world.  It was perfect on the shore--warm but not hot and not windy.  Since it was a Monday in October, we had the beach almost completely to ourselves. 

We lounged in the sunshine, I fed Natalie, and we watched a few boats go by.  It was so relaxing!  Natalie was so relaxed and peaceful that she slept almost the entire time. 

Beach baby lounging in the sand.

Love those baby toes!

Dining al fresco.

Snuggling with Grandma.

We headed into downtown South Haven for lunch at the famous Clementine's, which is housed in a really cool old building.  I think it was originally a bank.

Clementine's is famous for it's tower of delicious onion rings.  It was a delightful indulgence!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Festivities

Sunday was another gorgeous and unseasonably warm day. We decided to take advantage of it and make our annual trek to Gull Meadow Farms.  This place is the epitome of fall fun: pumpkin patch, apple picking, cider, donuts, and tons of fun things for the kids to do.  We were not the only ones taking advantage of the day: the place was packed!  Nathan had an absolute ball running around the kids' area and exploring all the activities.  Natalie was a cooperative little baby, and slept peacefully the whole time, only waking up long enough to eat.  I must say that it was a little odd to be at the pumpkin patch wearing shorts and flip flops and sweating, but I'm not complaining!

Obligatory photo op

Learning about the water pump

Boy on the run!

Nathan loved the hay bale maze.  He must have run through it at least 20 times!


This is what Natalie did the whole day. :)

My sweet kiddos!

Mmmm... donuts!

Natalie was not interested...

So Daddy ate her donut! :)

Jumping off of hay bales

Apples taste better when you pick them yourself.

The apple train was, by far, the highlight of the day.  Nathan loved it so much that he waited patiently in a very long line twice so that he could ride it more than once!

Our last stop was to pick out the perfect pumpkin.  Nathan took this very seriously and examined almost every single one before declaring a winner.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunny Saturday Morning

On Saturday morning my parents came over to spend some time with the kiddos.  It was an absolutely beautiful day, so we all headed outside to enjoy the warm, sunny weather.  The leaves have started turning, making our backyard even more lovely, and the fact that we were in shorts and bare feet was a wonderful treat for an October morning!  

A quiet moment with Grandpa

Playing in the sandbox!

Sunshine, sweet girl, my mama: great combo!

My favorite boy and his gorgeous blue eyes!

Tickling baby Natalie with a fern.

I love this photo, and these two ladies!

Grandma and Grandpa over means that mom and dad can take a quick break to relax on the couch!