Saturday, January 28, 2012

Four Months Old

Natalie is four months old!  This last month has brought many changes, most notably that I went back to work full-time and Natalie started daycare.  She has handled the adjustment like a champ, and it's gotten her on a better schedule in the evening.  Most nights we get the kids in bed about the same time, which is a nice routine for all of us--the kiddos know what to expect, and Todd and I have some kid-free time in the evening to bustle around getting everything cleaned up from that day and then ready for the next day before collapsing on the couch for a little relaxation.

Natalie is a super smiley, happy baby--such a change from her 2 month update!  She loves to see people, and uses her whole face to grin and squeal.  It's really charming--she's got all three of us head over heels in love with her!  Natalie's favorite person is Nathan.  She is completely fascinated by watching him play and eat, and she talks to him more than anyone else.  Nay is so sweet with her, talking to her, calling her sweetie, and wondering where she is when he doesn't see her immediately.  Natalie's new skill this month is to reach out and grab a toy and stuff it into her mouth--it's so cute to see her not only noticing, but being able to interact with her world.  Of course, this skill will soon lead to some sibling conflict, as soon as Talie figures out how to get to her big brother's matchbox cars! :)  Natalie has also rolled from belly to back, and regularly rolls from her back to her side, back and forth, squealing and chatting the whole time.  Such a sweetie!

Natalie got a clean bill of health and another round of immunizations at her 4 month check-up.  Here are her latest stats:

Height: 25" (75th percentile!)
Weight: 14lbs (50th percentile, has doubled her birth weight)
Head Circumference: 16.25" (50th percentile)

My beautiful, funny, awesome kids

I love my smiley, chubby baby!

Natalie has discovered her hands, and they are awesome to look at, chew, and grab things with.

Chubby baby feet.

Chubby baby hands.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

3 Year Appointment

Whew, yet again, I am way behind in blogging.  Let me just say that while life is wonderful these days, it sure is busy!  Two kids and both Todd and I working full-time at very busy jobs makes for a constant whirlwind.  I just sat down for the first time tonight (8:50 pm) after a day that started at 5:30 am and didn't stop for a moment!  But back to the actual topic of this post...

The second week in January, Nathan had his three-year-old well child appointment.  At all of the well-child appointments the parent answers a questionnaire designed to evaluate how the child is progressing with developmental milestones.  Nathan is meeting or exceeding all of the milestones except that pesky potty training one. 

Here are his stats:
34lb 12oz (75th percentile)
3' 3" (75th percentile)

As you can see, he's a strong and healthy boy!  He was pretty chatty with the doctor, wanting to know all the details about what kind of car he drives and what color the seats are. :)

The following week I took Nathan to the dentist for the first time.  He did pretty well.  He was really leery of the chair, and ended up sitting on my lap for the entire appointment.  But he was very cooperative with both the hygienist and the dentist, letting them floss and clean his teeth and getting fluoride.  He's got a thumb-sucking induced overbite (not a huge surprise) which the dentist isn't too worried about yet, but recommends that Nathan stop sucking his thumb by the time he's four.  I'm sure that will be an easy behavior to change. Ha.

Nathan's still loving preschool, and while he continues to test boundaries, he also will spontaneously come up to one of us, give us a hug and say "I love you."  The other day in the car on the way home from school, Nathan, after being quiet for a few minutes, said, "Mommy, you're my best friend. I love you."  And my heart melted into a big puddle! :)

When I was taking Natalie's 4 month pictures, Nathan decided that he wanted to join in the fun.  He so rarely actually wants his picture taken that I jumped at the chance.

"Hey Mom, take a picture of my Mustang."

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Fun

This afternoon the Appledorns and the Andersons came over for pizza. It had been awhile since we'd seen Dan and Annalee, and forever since all three families have spent time together.  The kids got along beautifully, playing with toys, coloring, and spending a long time unloading Todd's change jar, pretending they were "gold dubloons."  The adults had a great time chatting and wrangling all the kids.  So far Natalie and Brynn are both brunettes, but the big kids are all sassy blondes. :)

Hannah and Natalie


Leah and Natalie (and Becky's hand!)

The guys

Becky and Natalie

Miles and "Nasan"

Hannah organizing a plan to load the gold doubloons into the fire engine.

I wanted a picture of all three of them looking at the camera.  Hannah was the only one who thought that was a good idea.

Sweet baby Brynn.  I wasn't able to capture it on camera, but she is smiling a lot now--so cute!

Natalie and Daddy

The four big kids: Hannah, Miles, Nathan and Leah.

After all the excitement of having so many friends over, Nathan and Daddy and Lambykins relaxed on the couch and watched Cars 2.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back to Reality

Well this was my first week back to work after maternity leave.  All in all, the week went great!  I am a really social person, so although I loved spending so much time at home with the kiddos while I was on leave, I missed the daily interaction with colleagues and friends that I get at work.  Todd and I are sharing the morning get-the-kids-ready duties, so that has allowed us to get out the door approximately on time each morning.  I am hoping to keep up the momentum of prepping all of our food and my pumping supplies the night before.

Natalie's had a great adjustment to daycare, which has made my adjustment to having her there much easier.  I don't know if it is because she's a lot older than Nathan was when he started, or that she is used to having a noisy brother around, or just her personality, but Natalie has slipped right in to the routine and busyness of daycare.  She loves watching the older babies play, is great at taking a bottle, and is even managing to get a few naps in.  I love the fact that she and Nathan are at the same place--Nathan has visited her several times this week.

Speaking of Nathan, he has started the transition into the Preschool room, and will be there full-time starting on Monday.  He is SO excited, and feels like such a big boy. It's really cute.  He'll be the only kid in the class who isn't potty trained, and he already seems more open to the idea.  He sat on the potty several times at school this week, and this morning he wanted to wear big boy underwear for several hours.  He tried to go several times, but had some accidents instead.  I'm encouraged at his interest and willingness--progress!

Happy New Year!

On December 31, we hit the road for metro Detroit to welcome 2012 with Stuart and Erin in their new house.  They closed and moved in right before Christmas, and Stu spent the week after Christmas painting all of the bedrooms and one of the bathrooms, and a lot of their new furniture arrived just before we did!  They were very sweet to host us in the midst of all their settling in.  I immediately fell in love with their house--it was built in the 1920s, so it has tons of character and charm, and the previous owners spent a bunch of time and money updating the kitchen and bathrooms, refinishing the floors, wiring the house for sound, and insulating the three car garage.  So it's in fantastic condition, and it already feels home-y even before they have art on the walls.

We went out to lunch at a really yummy BBQ place in Royal Oak, and then Erin and I went to Homegoods while the boys went back home with the kids.  Erin and I had a blast wandering through the store, and we each found a deal.  We got home to find Stu putting Nathan down for a nap and Todd rocking Natalie to sleep.  Nathan absolutely adores Stu and Erin, and I so appreciate how involved and helpful they are with him.  

Nay went to bed easily (thank goodness; he's been fighting bedtime a bit lately), and we feasted on a sampler platter from a nearby Lebanese restaurant and the variety of Short's beer with which Stuart had so generously stocked the fridge.  Around 10:00, Erin's parents, grandma, aunt and uncle came by to ring in the new year.  It was great to catch up with them, the Trussell/Chirillo clan is always up for a good time!  At midnight Natalie, who had been sleeping in different people's arms all night, woke up and couldn't have been more thrilled to find herself in the middle of a party!  She was passing out smiles left and right, but she was especially enthralled with Erin's dad, Mark.  Every time Natalie looked at him, she would give him the biggest grin possible and squeal with delight--it was so cute!!

The next morning we relaxed and ate bagels while Nathan played, and Todd and Stuart installed a new light fixture in the living room.  Nay was really upset when it was time to leave, as were we, but it was Sunday and we had to get home.  I didn't take very many photos this trip--I'm trying to figure out the balance between capturing memories on camera and actually enjoying the time while it's happening.

Nathan and James the cat checking each other out.  Nathan loves cats.  James isn't so sure about toddlers.

Hanging out in the cozy tv nook in the living room.  Natalie was fighting sleep.  Sleep won.

Once Nathan went to bed, James was free to relax, an activity at which he excels.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas with the Emhofs

We usually spend Christmas Eve with my side of the family.  This year Steve and Joanna didn't fly in until the evening of Christmas day, which made their travels a lot more affordable.  I'm so thankful that they have spent the last two Christmases in Michigan!  On Boxing Day we headed up to mom and dad's house to celebrate.  We opened presents, ate yummy food and of course posed for a family photo.  Todd had to work the next day, so he headed home after helping put the kids to bed.  Nathan, Natalie and I spent a few more days hanging out with the family.  

Steve, Joanna, Nathan and Lambykins

Nathan and Joanna playing Santa and passing out presents.

Nathan is also an excellent present opening assistant.

Joanna was really sweet with Natalie, often holding her so that I could eat with two hands. :)

Uncle Steve meeting his new niece.

Smiles for Grandpa John. 

I love the fuzzy boots!

Daddy and his baby girl.

Perhaps we're adding another shutterbug to the family?

Nathan wanted me to read a book to him and Santa.

I love this photo of my mom.

Prepping for the family photo. Nathan was thrilled.

Me and my boy!

Photo op in Natalie's adorable hat, a hand-me-down from Becky's girls.

Natalie and Grandpa John have a special bond already.  They are so sweet together!

Nathan and Grandpa filling the bird feeders.

Nathan was feeling a little nervous about the plot in Llama Llama Red Pajama.

Chatting with Aunt Joanna

My handsome brother

My handsome Daddy