Wednesday, January 25, 2012

3 Year Appointment

Whew, yet again, I am way behind in blogging.  Let me just say that while life is wonderful these days, it sure is busy!  Two kids and both Todd and I working full-time at very busy jobs makes for a constant whirlwind.  I just sat down for the first time tonight (8:50 pm) after a day that started at 5:30 am and didn't stop for a moment!  But back to the actual topic of this post...

The second week in January, Nathan had his three-year-old well child appointment.  At all of the well-child appointments the parent answers a questionnaire designed to evaluate how the child is progressing with developmental milestones.  Nathan is meeting or exceeding all of the milestones except that pesky potty training one. 

Here are his stats:
34lb 12oz (75th percentile)
3' 3" (75th percentile)

As you can see, he's a strong and healthy boy!  He was pretty chatty with the doctor, wanting to know all the details about what kind of car he drives and what color the seats are. :)

The following week I took Nathan to the dentist for the first time.  He did pretty well.  He was really leery of the chair, and ended up sitting on my lap for the entire appointment.  But he was very cooperative with both the hygienist and the dentist, letting them floss and clean his teeth and getting fluoride.  He's got a thumb-sucking induced overbite (not a huge surprise) which the dentist isn't too worried about yet, but recommends that Nathan stop sucking his thumb by the time he's four.  I'm sure that will be an easy behavior to change. Ha.

Nathan's still loving preschool, and while he continues to test boundaries, he also will spontaneously come up to one of us, give us a hug and say "I love you."  The other day in the car on the way home from school, Nathan, after being quiet for a few minutes, said, "Mommy, you're my best friend. I love you."  And my heart melted into a big puddle! :)

When I was taking Natalie's 4 month pictures, Nathan decided that he wanted to join in the fun.  He so rarely actually wants his picture taken that I jumped at the chance.

"Hey Mom, take a picture of my Mustang."

1 comment:

Hillary said...

That boy and his cars! I love that he's so chatty and I'm glad that you and he are best friends. :)