Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas with the Emhofs

We usually spend Christmas Eve with my side of the family.  This year Steve and Joanna didn't fly in until the evening of Christmas day, which made their travels a lot more affordable.  I'm so thankful that they have spent the last two Christmases in Michigan!  On Boxing Day we headed up to mom and dad's house to celebrate.  We opened presents, ate yummy food and of course posed for a family photo.  Todd had to work the next day, so he headed home after helping put the kids to bed.  Nathan, Natalie and I spent a few more days hanging out with the family.  

Steve, Joanna, Nathan and Lambykins

Nathan and Joanna playing Santa and passing out presents.

Nathan is also an excellent present opening assistant.

Joanna was really sweet with Natalie, often holding her so that I could eat with two hands. :)

Uncle Steve meeting his new niece.

Smiles for Grandpa John. 

I love the fuzzy boots!

Daddy and his baby girl.

Perhaps we're adding another shutterbug to the family?

Nathan wanted me to read a book to him and Santa.

I love this photo of my mom.

Prepping for the family photo. Nathan was thrilled.

Me and my boy!

Photo op in Natalie's adorable hat, a hand-me-down from Becky's girls.

Natalie and Grandpa John have a special bond already.  They are so sweet together!

Nathan and Grandpa filling the bird feeders.

Nathan was feeling a little nervous about the plot in Llama Llama Red Pajama.

Chatting with Aunt Joanna

My handsome brother

My handsome Daddy

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Your kiddos are getting so big! I can't believe it. So cute!