Saturday, January 28, 2012

Four Months Old

Natalie is four months old!  This last month has brought many changes, most notably that I went back to work full-time and Natalie started daycare.  She has handled the adjustment like a champ, and it's gotten her on a better schedule in the evening.  Most nights we get the kids in bed about the same time, which is a nice routine for all of us--the kiddos know what to expect, and Todd and I have some kid-free time in the evening to bustle around getting everything cleaned up from that day and then ready for the next day before collapsing on the couch for a little relaxation.

Natalie is a super smiley, happy baby--such a change from her 2 month update!  She loves to see people, and uses her whole face to grin and squeal.  It's really charming--she's got all three of us head over heels in love with her!  Natalie's favorite person is Nathan.  She is completely fascinated by watching him play and eat, and she talks to him more than anyone else.  Nay is so sweet with her, talking to her, calling her sweetie, and wondering where she is when he doesn't see her immediately.  Natalie's new skill this month is to reach out and grab a toy and stuff it into her mouth--it's so cute to see her not only noticing, but being able to interact with her world.  Of course, this skill will soon lead to some sibling conflict, as soon as Talie figures out how to get to her big brother's matchbox cars! :)  Natalie has also rolled from belly to back, and regularly rolls from her back to her side, back and forth, squealing and chatting the whole time.  Such a sweetie!

Natalie got a clean bill of health and another round of immunizations at her 4 month check-up.  Here are her latest stats:

Height: 25" (75th percentile!)
Weight: 14lbs (50th percentile, has doubled her birth weight)
Head Circumference: 16.25" (50th percentile)

My beautiful, funny, awesome kids

I love my smiley, chubby baby!

Natalie has discovered her hands, and they are awesome to look at, chew, and grab things with.

Chubby baby feet.

Chubby baby hands.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Oh! Are you calling her Talie?! I like it!