Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back to Reality

Well this was my first week back to work after maternity leave.  All in all, the week went great!  I am a really social person, so although I loved spending so much time at home with the kiddos while I was on leave, I missed the daily interaction with colleagues and friends that I get at work.  Todd and I are sharing the morning get-the-kids-ready duties, so that has allowed us to get out the door approximately on time each morning.  I am hoping to keep up the momentum of prepping all of our food and my pumping supplies the night before.

Natalie's had a great adjustment to daycare, which has made my adjustment to having her there much easier.  I don't know if it is because she's a lot older than Nathan was when he started, or that she is used to having a noisy brother around, or just her personality, but Natalie has slipped right in to the routine and busyness of daycare.  She loves watching the older babies play, is great at taking a bottle, and is even managing to get a few naps in.  I love the fact that she and Nathan are at the same place--Nathan has visited her several times this week.

Speaking of Nathan, he has started the transition into the Preschool room, and will be there full-time starting on Monday.  He is SO excited, and feels like such a big boy. It's really cute.  He'll be the only kid in the class who isn't potty trained, and he already seems more open to the idea.  He sat on the potty several times at school this week, and this morning he wanted to wear big boy underwear for several hours.  He tried to go several times, but had some accidents instead.  I'm encouraged at his interest and willingness--progress!