Monday, January 17, 2011

Girls' weekend in Kentucky

About 13 months ago, my group of girlfriends from the class of 2000, inspired by the upcoming tenth anniversary of our college graduation, decided to actually get serious and plan the weekend girls' retreat that we've been talking about for so many years. After many email exchanges, it turned out that the first weekend that worked for all of us was MLK weekend 2011, more than a year away!! But at least it was on everyone's calendar. :) And, miraculously, 10 of the 11 of us were able to be there (Stephanie had the very understandable reason of brand new baby Henry that kept her at home).

We all gathered at Edgewater Resort on Taylorsville Lake in Kentucky. It is a series of freestanding condos nestled into Taylorsville State Park, 30 minutes outside of Louisville and conveniently located in Bourbon Country. It also happens to be located almost exactly in the geographic center of all our homes, and Gillian's parents own a condo there--perfect! Even though we only did detailed planning with those we were sharing vehicles with, everyone arrived within an hour of each other on Friday evening!

We spent most of the weekend hanging out at the cottage--talking, laughing, eating, hot tubbing, walking, going to the on-site spa, laughing, and talking some more. It was absolutely wonderful! With this group of women, I feel like there is no topic of conversation that is taboo, and regardless of the various levels of regular communication that we keep with each other, when we get together we're all immediately comfortable. When I think about my job as an admission counselor, it is really to help high school seniors find a college where they can discover lifelong friends such as these. I am so very blessed.

Appetizers and wine to start off the weekend.

Jenn and I

Sarah joined the photo op

Lindsey, Annalee, Patti and Leslie

Gillian and Caroline

Morning hike out at the state park

Taylorsville Lake

Wild Turkey tracks! We followed them, but didn't find any bourbon. ;)

Patti was feeling very relaxed after her birthday massage.

Hot tub, beer, and cookies!

Family photo

Wall-sit competition

On one it's a shirt, on the other it's a dress!

1 comment:

Becky said...
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