Sunday, January 2, 2011

Boxing Day with the Fowles

The day after Christmas we headed back to Dan and Nancy's house to fetch the kiddo and have some yummy French toast for breakfast. We briefly headed home so that N could take a nap in his own bed and then returned to partake in Jordan's Christmas present to the family--he cooked us an incredible meal!

Sisters drinking coffee

The head chef working his magic in the kitchen.

Building a tower, and then dropping cars into it.

Sous chef Nancy, following the head chef's orders.

I love this photo of Todd and Dan.

Erin cramming in some studying whenever she had a spare moment. She'll be re-taking the bar in February as a step in the process of she and Stu moving back to Michigan (hooray!).

Stu and Nathan both love playing with play-dough. Stuart was able to resist eating it, but Nathan was not, so it was put away shortly after this photo was taken.

Our appetizer: fried calamari in spicy tomato sauce with basil aoli

We lost no time digging in.

Nathan was ALL about the calamari--I think he would have eaten both plates in their entirety!

Just a tiny family resemblance between these two...

Normal family photo

This picture is hilarious for a number of different reasons!

Cheeks full of calamari

I completely adore Nathan's expression when he's really concentrating on something. He was working hard to zip his sweater. Look at those precious little lips! I love him!

At dinner, Nathan discovered that he could keep his entire family in hysterics by doing his "silly eyes." So funny! We were able to get him to re-create the look so I could share it with you. What a ham!

Time to eat! Jord serving up the entree.


The whole family!

Just the kids

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