Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Visit from Cousin John

On Sunday Todd's cousin John came down to Kalamazoo. He is going to be a senior in high school this year (Where has time gone???) and came to check out Kalamazoo College. He arrived in the early afternoon on Sunday, and he and I hung out and chatted while Nathan took his afternoon nap. When N woke up, the three of us headed over to Dan and Nancy's house for dinner. Todd was on his annual canoeing trip with Toby, Joey and Ryan, so he didn't join us until we got back home.

It was another perfect evening, and we spent most of our time hanging out in the backyard. I chased Nathan around, Nancy and Nathan picked cherry tomatoes, Dan worked the grill, and John kept an eye on all of us. Dinner was a perfect August meal composed entirely of bounty from the farmer's market: grilled chicken, sautéed squash, sweet corn on the cob and fresh salad, followed by peach cobbler for dessert. It was heavenly!

John, Nancy and Nathan hanging out on the deck.

It looks like Nathan's halo is a little crooked! :)

Stealth photo of John--he's not a fan of posing for pictures.

Yum, dinner!!

John did consent to posing for a picture with Nathan. Aren't they cute?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

looks lovely!

we share the same lovely purple dragonfly shirt.