Sunday, August 22, 2010

Meeting Oliver Andrew

Today Todd, Nathan and I, along with Annalee, Dan and Miles, converged on Dick and Jan's house for the day. Gillian, Dylan and Oliver were in town for a few days so that Oliver could meet his Great-Grandma, Aunt Emily, and of course, US!! :) It was an absolutely fantastic day, which is par for the course when we all gather on Cooley Lake, but made even more sweet by the presence of the newest generation. Oliver is completely adorable--chocolate brown eyes, chubby cheeks and a delighted smile. One of my greatest joys in life is seeing my close friends become parents. Gillian and Dylan are completely in love with this little guy, and they are already pros at traveling and going on adventures with Oliver in tow. Not only did they fly from DC to Detroit, but Oliver went to a Tigers game last night! I love it! I took a ton of pictures (I feel like that sentence is in every post!) but I did manage to narrow them down:

Proud papa and his sweet son.

Nathan cracking up his Dada and Uncle Dan

G and O

Double trouble--I have a feeling that these two might be a bad influence on Oliver, with their knowledge of opening drawers and such.

Family photo!

Miles couldn't believe his luck--Gillian handed him a remote, AND he got to push the buttons!!

Miles contemplating his summer reading.

This is me, completely happy, surrounded by dear friends and the chaos of babies everywhere!

Oliver dipping his toes in the pool for the first time. He loved it!

Nathan and Dada looking at fish.

"Come on, Mama!" (his latest phrase, which is soooo cute!)

Nathan stopped by to say hi to baby Oliver.

Smiley, happy baby!

The weather was perfect for hanging out in the shade--mid 7os with a slight breeze. I love Michigan!

This is quite possibly my favorite photo of the day. It is a gorgeous moment of mother and son adoring each other.

Newborn snuggles!

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