Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Conversations with Nathan

Nathan is talking up a storm right now, and it is so awesome! He is completely enthralled with his ability to communicate and participate, and he says the funniest things! I wish I could just follow him around with an audio recorder all the time. Here are a few recent snippets:

While getting in the car in the morning:

Nathan: Uh oh Mama!
Me: What is it, baby?
N: Keys! Start! Engine!

Right after waking up this morning:
Me: Did you have a good sleep last night?
N: Yes
Me: What did you dream about?
N: Cars!
Me: What color were the cars?
N: Green! Purple dump truck!

Any time Nathan accomplishes a task he is proud of, big or small:
I DID it! Dada/Mama, I did it!

Whenever Nathan sees us doing something interesting that he wants to know more about:
Doing, Mama? Doing, Dada?

Heard from Nathan's room right before he fell asleep:
No, Fin-nee (Finley, one of the boys at daycare), MY tractor! Nafan's tractor!

While Nathan was attempting to put his shoe on:
Todd: Do you want me to help you?
N: No, not ha-poo, NAFAN ha-poo............dada help?

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