Saturday, June 13, 2009


Somehow I lucked into an office full of amazing co-workers who are great, wonderful, fun people! If I had all the money in the world, I don't think I would choose to work full-time, but since I most certainly do have to work full-time, it's great that I have a job I love and colleagues who are also great friends. One of my co-workers, Jen, decided to organize a girls' karaoke night for Friday. Being the bubbly, extroverted admission counselors that we are, it wasn't tough to get us all on board!

I haven't had a girls' night out in many moons, so I was super excited to go! We went to a sports bar near my house that is one of the few karaoke places in Kalamazoo. It was super casual and super smoky (boo!), and it quickly became clear that we were extreme amateurs among some very talented karaoke artists! Luckily they weren't so serious that they minded our performances, and we all had a really great time! Here are some pictures of our adventures, as well as a short video clip of the last person I would have guessed would sing "Ice, Ice, Baby" and have all the words memorized!!

Jen and Emily during the musical interlude of L-O-V-E

Hillary is the most musically-inclined and talented singer in the group.

Emily and Suz

Me and Hill

Singing some Dixie Chicks!

Bestest friends!

Hillary, Emily and Jen busting out some dance moves!
Ice, Ice, Baby! I felt silly recording the whole song, but had to get at least a little bit on camera!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Such a fun night!! And some awesome photos to prove it. We are an office of good looking ladies :)