Monday, June 1, 2009

Garden update

On Sunday I actually got in gear and made it out of the house when Nathan went down for his morning nap. I went to a local greenhouse and got some annuals and some vegetables and a whole bunch of potting soil.

I've been wanting to grow veggies for several years now, but have not planned ahead far enough to make a vegetable bed, which requires at least a full day of manual labor, and a full day to dedicate to one task is a luxury I just don't have at the moment!

Last weekend Dad offered up some tomato seedlings from last summer's crop, and it occurred to me that I could try growing veggies in containers! So I got red bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, zucchini, basil, rosemary and cilantro plants to add to the tomato seedlings, and I set up a whole container garden! Once I realized how many pots comprised said garden, I set to work creating a bi-level arrangement so that it looked a little more cohesive and didn't take over the entire deck. I was able to craft something out of pots and lumber that we had around the house--I love it when I can make my vision come to life without spending extra money!

It felt so good to spend some time gardening. It is such a meditative practice for me to have my fingers in the dirt, working on something productive that is outside and creating beauty. Here are some pictures from my busy day:


This is one of the five planters that I have along my deck railing. I'm trying out a fancy-schmancy double petunia this year.

Petunia border in front of the hydrangea bush and the other flowering perennial (can't remember the name) that I received from my mom and Nancy for mother's day.

The clematis (moonflower) vine is in full bloom!

1 comment:

k96da01 said...

holy crap your clematis is beautiful!
I'm so jealous!