Sunday, June 21, 2009

10K victory!!

Saturday morning Hillary and I ran the Kalamazoo Klassic 10K race, and we kicked some serious booty! We had trained well for the distance and terrain, the weather was pretty ideal--68 degrees, cloudy and windy, Hillary and I both came with our game faces on and a positive attitude, and there was an incredibly supportive group of spectators and volunteers all along the course cheering us on. Talk about great energy! We felt good the entire run; just when our energy started to dip, Suzanne and Ellie were there to give us high fives and cheer us on, which kicked us back into gear. We cut an amazing 7 minutes off of our practice run time and, looking back, probably could have chosen to push ourselves even harder and had a faster time. All in all, it was a great accomplishment, and we surpassed our goal by a long shot. I was on a runner's high for the rest of the day!

Approaching the 3 mile mark and feeling great!

Home stretch! The finish line is in sight and we're excited about it.

Crossing the finish line

Two great friends, very happy, proud and sweaty!

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