Thursday, November 3, 2011

Six Weeks Old!

On Tuesday, Natalie turned six weeks old.  Amazing!  Last Thursday and again on Monday, she had days that were a little challenging for me--she didn't nap and nursed all day long.  This is definitely an indication that the big six week growth spurt is underway.  All of the sudden her newborn clothes are too small, and she's now in 0-3 and some 3 month clothes, seemingly overnight!  The other big change is that Natalie is awake a lot more, and really seems to be interested in the world around her.  She has started making some little coos here and there, and her cry is starting to sound a little less like a tiny newborn (sniff, sniff...).  

This afternoon, for the first time she looked directly at me and GRINNED!  Oh, it made my whole day!  She's been practicing her smiles for a little while now, but they were fleeting and unintentional.  So today's purposeful smile was pretty awesome.  

Here are some pictures of some of her many expressions: