Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fresh air

Yesterday Nathan was finally feeling better--he actually had an appetite and was his usual bouncy, energetic self. We weren't sure if his stomach bug was completely over though, so we kept him home from daycare for one more day. I, however, was not feeling any better. Luckily Nancy came over in the morning to play with Nathan so that I could take a nap. I think that all three of us really enjoyed that time. :)

My morning nap, combined with another nap taken while Nathan was taking his own sufficed to give me the energy to get some fresh air and stretch our legs a bit in the afternoon, as we were feeling a little stir crazy after being inside and sick for so many days. We spent a good chunk of time wandering around the yard, throwing crab apples into the woods, looking for the deer that likes to come into our yard to eat the crab apples and picking grass.

While at the back of our yard, sitting on the stones that surround the fire pit, Nathan noticed that Deuce had trotted down the trail that leads to the woods and field behind our house. With an inquisitive "Pooder go?" Nathan trotted off down the trail. He had a blast, saying "I hiking!" the whole way, and "Move it, Mama." when a branch was in his way.

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