Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday fun

This morning we went to our weekly swim class at the YMCA--Nathan likes it a lot, especially the time at the end of class when he can play with toys! After that, N took a nap, Todd spent some time cleaning up around the house, and I headed out to meet my friend Jenn for lunch. Even though she doesn't live very far away, she and I seem to be insanely busy at all times, so it had been several months since we've spent time together. It was so nice to get caught up!

I pulled into the garage back at home at the same time my parents turned into the driveway for a visit. N was still asleep when they arrived, so they were able to spend ample time admiring the new couch. :) When our little whirlwind woke up from his nap we all spent a few hours playing. It's so great to spend time with family and with toys!

Action shot!

Nathan got the biggest kick out of the fact that he had turned the bin over and could sit on it!

Hillary got me some fat quarters of fabric for my birthday, and N has had so much fun playing with them that they're going to live in his playroom until I get started on my project (some kind of wall decor for the bedroom, still a very nebulous idea).

Our little bookworm.

Zooming across the playroom on his fire engine!

Apparently sitting in the bin is almost as much fun as sitting on it!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

I need some N time! He is so funny :)