Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lovely Time at the McMorrow pad

This weekend Ryan, Anne and George took their first family roadtrip from Chicago to Ryan's parents' house in Kalamazoo. We stopped by for a bit on Sunday afternoon. It's really amazing to see how quickly baby George has grown. We saw him a month ago, and now he is bigger and so much more alert. I loved how warm and snuggly he was, and apparently I was comfy, because George settled in and had a nice little nap.

Nathan was a really good boy, especially considering that Greg and Marcia have a very beautiful home with lots of things that N would have loved to get his hands on! :) He actually stopped moving for a bit and cuddled with Uncle Ryan. It was really great to catch up with Ryan, Anne, Greg, Marcia and Joey, who was meeting George for the first time.

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