Wednesday, February 17, 2010

14 months old

Nathan is 14 months old today. At his doctor's appointment last week he was just shy of 23 1/2 pounds, and every pound of that is pure energy, curiosity and personality! Nathan's always got his big blue eyes wide open, taking in the world and looking for an opportunity to explore something new. Lately the kleenex box and toilet paper roll have been particularly alluring. Occasionally we can convince him that it's fun to put the tissues back IN the box, but usually that is rejected as not nearly as much fun as pulling them all out! As you can see from the video, N is a big fan of the new couch!

Decided to check out the space behind his toy storage!

Thinks his puppy slippers are pretty funny.

The laundry basket makes a pretty sweet race car, powered by Mommy.

Hmmm... maybe standing up in the race car wasn't the best idea!

Nathan playing on the new couch.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

I love it when he rests in the corner - it's like a wrestler preparing to launch himself in the middle of the ring.