Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ear infection and deeply rooted memories

So we have arrived at the milestone of Nathan's first ear infection. Yesterday N and I drove to Chelsea for a delightful lunch at The Common Grill with Gillian. It was really great to catch up with her, and she was very tolerant of my very busy lunch companion (there was much gathering of napkins, toys, pieces of bread, etc from the floor). One of the things I love about my friendship with G is that even when we don't see each other often, we fall right into easy conversation--the mark of a true friend!

On the way home from lunch, Nathan took a nice nap in the car. While he was sleeping I noticed that his cheeks looked really flushed, and when we got home and I took him out of his carseat and realized that he was definitely feverish. The thermometer confirmed with a reading of 101.4. After a phone consultation with Nancy and the pediatrician's office, we went in for an appointment. Sure enough, Nathan has an infection in his right ear, and his temp had gone up to 102.6. I'm so glad we took him in!

When we got home and I opened up his amoxicillin to give to him, I was instantly flooded with memories from childhood! One glance at the color and whiff of the scent, and I could tell you exactly how that medicine tastes! It's so funny how stuff like that is lodged deep in the memory banks--I had no conscious recollection of taking amoxicillin until I saw and smelled it!

I'm happy to report that N is feeling much better today. He's on nap number two, and his fever has come down greatly. I am thankful for modern medicine!

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