Sunday, July 29, 2012

Time with Leslie

Last week Leslie and her family were vacationing in Michigan.  I was really lucky to spend a day with them. I hadn't seen Evan, who turned four on Monday, since he was five months old, which is also the last time I saw Alex.  Ellie tagged along to Leslie and my annual weekend together in December, but it was amazing how much she had changed as well!  

It was a pretty perfect day.  I spent the morning with Leslie, Alex, Evan, Eliie and Alex's dad Allen.  Then Leslie and I snuck away for a long lunch just the two of us.  Les came with me to pick my kids up from daycare.  Nathan was immediately smitten with Leslie, and got her involved in an intricate matchbox car project while I fed Natalie.  In the evening Alex stopped by with the Sarapu kiddos to say hello to Todd, let our munchkins play together and pick up Leslie.

Evan's a bit shy, but the stories that Leslie and I have told each other about our boys' interests and personalities had us both suspecting and hoping that they would get along famously.  And they instantly took to each other!  Of course, there's nothing quite like jumping on the bed, fiddling with light switches and investigating the inner workings of a minivan door to bond two active and curious little guys quickly.  It was so awesome to see them playing together--with Ellie doing her best to stay in the mix--but also bittersweet, since it made me wish even more fiercely that we lived closer to each other!

Of course, in my imagination I was going to get a cute picture of all four kids looking adorable posing together.  In reality, I was able to snap a few action shots! :)

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