Monday, July 9, 2012

Concert vs Playground

We're back from a wonderful week of family vacation, and before I launch into those blog posts, I have some old ones that have been sitting in my drafts folder that I need to catch up on.  In June while Todd was on his annual fishing trip the kids and I met up with Suz and her kids for what we thought would be a really fun time at a free concert in a local park.  The weather was perfect and we came armed with a blanket and snacks, ready to dance, sing and laugh.  The rest of the concert attendees, however, came ready to sit silently in very serious appreciation for the music.  Needless to say, our rowdy crew of kiddos was not met with enthusiasm.  After trying to stick it out for awhile, Suz and I decided that spending our time shushing our kids and giving apologetic looks to the people surrounding us was not the best use of anyone's time or energy.  So we decided to head to the playground!  That was a much more appropriate venue for the kids' energy level, and no one was handing out dirty looks as Nathan, Gavin and Ellie ran around shouting and playing.  Suz and I even got a little time to chat in between kid wrangling. :)

Before the Lepleys arrived I decided to try and get a good photo of my two babes.  They were not interested in looking at the camera at the same time.

Ellie and Natalie

Gavin showing off the stitches on his chin.

The playground is a much more natural habitat for a very energetic boy!

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