Saturday, April 3, 2010

Visit from Ryan, Anne and George

On Friday afternoon Todd, Nathan and I were all lucky enough to be home from work and school early. Aside from that being lovely in and of itself, it also meant that we were able to spend some time with Ryan, Anne and George. Todd put a new starter in Ryan's car, and while they were working on that, Anne and I got to chat and hang out with the little boys. Nathan decided that he was going to display his full spectrum of newly acquired toddler antics, which meant that his mommy did not get much time for taking photos or snuggling baby George! Ah well, that's part of the whole motherhood gig I suppose. I really enjoyed talking with Anne though, and I'm so glad that she and George are part of our lives--thank you, Ryan!

Isn't George such a cutie?

1 comment:

Anne said...

Love the new layout Jess! It was great to see you and your family last weekend...I thought of Nathan while snacking on goldfish today :)