Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lunch with Annalee and Miles

I had to make a day trip to East Lansing for work this week, and I made sure to schedule it for Thursday, as that is Annalee's day off of work. After my meeting at the high school I headed over to the Appledorns' house for some lunch, some baby snuggles from Miles and some much-treasured conversation time with Annalee. Miles is such a smart baby--he timed his schedule perfectly so that I got to hang out with him and admire his new drooling, toy-grabbing, squealing and bouncing skills, but he took a nice nap so his mommy could eat lunch with both hands!

Miles loves his jumperoo, as it allows him to bounce up and down while playing with his toys. What a cutie--check out those bright blue eyes and pouty lips. Love it!

Although he has developed many talents, Miles has not yet mastered photography, so I had to make do with a self-portrait of Annalee and I. :)

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