Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

In celebration of Dad's birthday and Nathan's first Halloween, we had a family potluck at our house this afternoon. Dan and Nancy brought chili, Mom and Dad brought beer, and we provided cheesy jalapeno cornbread, birthday cake and ice cream.

We all hung out and chased Nathan around the living room, and then had great fun getting N dressed up as a lobster and photographing him.

After a tasty meal (sidenote: Nathan loves chili! That's my boy!) we had birthday cake and and played with Nathan some more.

Nathan and Grandpa John, the birthday boy!

Playing with Grandma Nancy

Our little lobster!!!!

Nathan commands quite the audience!

Family photo

Lobster, in his pot!

It turns out that lobsters don't really like being in pots.

Sitting outside of the pot and banging on it is much more fun.


Lobster on the move.

What was this silly thing they put on my head?

Checking out the pumpkin that Grandpa John carved.

Our sheepdog-lobster!

The birthday boy and his cake.

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