Sunday, October 4, 2009


Today was a classic fall day--overcast and cool with sprinkles interspersed with sunshine. After Nathan woke up from his morning nap, he, Todd, Deuce and I all piled into the Jeep and headed over to Verhage Fruit Farms to do some apple picking. This is one of my favorite activities to do in the fall, really celebrating the fact that I live in a place with four seasons.

We picked empire and johnny apples, Deuce met lots of people, Nathan enjoyed slurping on an apple, and of course we had to stop for some cider and donuts to cap off the trip. It sprinkled a little bit, but all in all we got really lucky with the weather. It was a fun family outing.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from the orchard, as my camera batteries died as soon as I turned on the camera. Never fear, dear readers, I made Nathan pose with his apples when we got home!

Daddy found Nathan a baby-sized apple that N thought was just right! (Check out the cute giraffe shirt from Uncle Stuart and Aunt Erin)

Look at those two bottom teeth! The top ones are really close to breaking through.

This picture just made me laugh--talk about a baby on a mission to grab that apple!

I made some apple crisp with part of my harvest. Next on the menu--homemade applesauce!

On an unrelated note, I thought I'd share my other project of the day--defrosting enough milk for Nathan to drink while I am in Texas Monday-Thursday. Pretty impressive quantity, and amazing to think that I made all that milk!

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