Monday, January 5, 2009

Nathan's 2 week appointment

Nathan had his two week appointment with the pediatrician this morning. He's 7lbs 4oz (10%), 19.5" long (10%) and his head circumference is 14" (25%). The doctor checked him over--eyes, ears, heart, lungs, circumcision and umbilical cord site--and pronounced him perfect (as if we didn't already know)!! I felt like the doctor did a great job answering all of my questions, and I feel good about the practice we're taking him to, which is really nice. His next appointment will be at 8 weeks old, and he'll have to get vaccinations then, so I imagine that both Mommy and Nathan will be shedding a few tears.

In other news, Nathan has decided that he likes to sleep in his bouncy seat with the vibrate function on. This is very exciting to me, because otherwise I would not have the hands free to type this!

Here's a picture from an impromptu photo shoot I did of Nathan this afternoon:

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