Sunday, November 23, 2014

9 months old

At nine months old, Danielle is really starting to communicate with the world. She says "Hi!" and waves, initiates peek-a-boo, will give a hug when asked, and just started offering up those big open-mouth, gummy-grinned kisses. So sweet! She loves to dance to music, crawls everywhere, pulls herself up to her knees and is trying hard to figure out how to get to standing.  She is curious and happy. She still doesn't have any teeth! For the most part she sleeps through the night.  She wants to be in the mix with her brother and sister, loves her baby swim lessons and bathtime. 

Object permanence is a concept she has grasped this month, and she has recently discovered the joy of dropping her toys/cup/blanket on the ground and saying uh oh (eh-eh) as it falls. :)  Nathan and Natalie are usually very willing participants in this game, picking up the item time and again to their baby sister's glee.

Her nine month appointment is later this week, so I will update with her stats soon!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

It's crazy that all 3 of your kids have blue eyes! She's so cute.