Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Preschool Graduation!!

In mid-May Nathan had a big milestone: preschool graduation! Ahh! I can't believe my baby boy will be going to kindergarten in the fall. He is so ready, but there will be tears on my end. :)  He has been going to this school since he was an infant, and none of the kids in his class will be going to his kindergarten, so that part is definitely bittersweet.  The annual spring performance/graduation is always short and sweet and hilarious.  The kids perform a few songs, and then the preK teacher says a few words about each graduate.  There are snacks and then total pandemonium as the kids run laps around the gym.  Both sets of grandparents were there, and I realize now that I'm blogging that I didn't get any formal or family shots. Oops.

The show is about to begin, all the performers are lined up, and there is one two-year-old who does not understand why she can't find her spot in line!

Upon being told that she does not get to perform, she laid down on the stage in protest and Daddy had to come get her. :)

Outwardly, Danielle displayed more decorum, sitting nicely with Grandma Nancy, but I'm pretty sure she was wishing she knew how to climb up on stage too!
First song of the evening, "I Don't Want To Grow Up"

Still bummed not to be performing, but snuggling with Papa was an acceptable alternative.

Each kid picked a favorite book--Nathan's was "The Goose's Gold."

They sang "Down By The Bay"

"Have you ever seen a moose, kissing a goose?!?"

Graduation time!

Ms. Jennifer talking about how hard Nathan worked this year learning how to read, and how much he loves it! That's been one of my favorite developments of his this year as well.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

So fun! I guess we'll find out this year if our school does anything like this...