Friday, June 27, 2014

4 Months Old!

Danielle at four months old is just a delightful bundle of happy, chubby baby. She scrunches up her whole body when she smiles. She definitely recognizes all of her family members now, and is happiest when surrounded by the hubbub of her entire family. D still likes her pacifier. I know that long term this is preferable to thumb sucking, as it's easier to wean her off of something we can take away. The down side is that several times a night I have to get up and give her pacifier back to her. In addition to those visits she usually wants to eat at least once during the night. Luckily she is pretty efficient about the meal and going back to sleep.

Danielle is getting stronger every day, and is very close to sitting up, although she still has to work on remembering to hold herself up. She is doing some rolling, but not consistently, and has started grabbing toys and blankets and stuffing them in her mouth. In addition to being very smiley, D is also quite chatty, filling the house with lots of coos, squeals, and giggles.

D got a clean bill of health at her 4 month appointment. She weighed in at 15lbs 15oz (81st percentile), 24" long (27th percentile), and 15.98" head circumference (47th percentile). She didn't fuss too much after her shots and completely charmed the nurse and the pediatrician. :)

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