Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Four Generations

I took advantage of my more flexible maternity leave schedule to join my mom on a road trip to Rochester, NY for a few days so that Danielle Joan could meet her Great Grandma Joan! My grandma is one of the most influential women in my life, and it meant a lot to me that she was able to meet her namesake. Mom and I have become really good road trip buddies on these trips to Rochester.  These days when we get together, Nathan and Natalie monopolize most of her attention, so it was a luxury to get her all to myself for some uninterrupted conversation.

Our time in Rochester was not long, but it was just about perfect.  I was struck by how many of the same considerations you need to make when out and about with an infant and an older person with a walker.  Needs to be wheel-friendly, flat, not long waits for tables, not too cold, and we need to end the activity before that evening witching hour when they both start struggling emotionally.  So we did a lot of eating at local favorite restaurants and short visits to the places that my Grandma has loved her whole life.  She is living at an assisted living facility now and can no longer drive, so the real treat of our visits is that she can get out and about around town.

Danielle was a champ for the entire trip! Mostly sleeping on the highway and giving both Grandma and Great Grandma lots of adorable smiles and coos. What a sweet baby.

Love at first sight!

We drove through the countryside along Lake Ontario. Aren't these baby fruit trees lucky with their waterfront orchard?

Irondequoit Bay, just down the street from where my mom grew up. It was in a bit of a gloomy mood that day, but still lovely.

The sun peeked out for a little bit, and we were able to walk along a nice flat sidewalk to see Lake Ontario.

Danielle slept through her first encounter with a great lake. And yes, I think it's funny that she's been to Lake Ontario but not Lake Michigan. The trials and tribulations of a February baby. :)

Nothing makes Simpson women happy like time on the waterfront. 

We were a bit cold and tired after walking along the lake, so we headed back to the hotel lobby for some free coffee and wifi. Mom got out her iPad and Grandma had a blast looking at photos and videos of the great-grandkids. 

I was thrilled that Grandma actually agreed to a little photo shoot of all of us--usually she is extremely resistant to having her photograph taken. This picture of the four generations is one I will treasure always.

Joan and Danielle Joan

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