Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Easter 2014

The kids were so excited for Easter this year that they were up at 5:00am! They enjoyed the spoils of their Easter baskets and then kept a watchful eye out the window, spotting the eggs that the Easter Bunny hid around the yard. By the time the sun came up enough for the actual hunt, the kids made quick work of it! :)

After the egg hunt, we went over to Dan and Nancy's house for brunch. Todd's cousin John joined us, which was the first time we had seen him since his return from studying abroad in England for six months. It was a really nice day!

1 comment:

Lacey said...

I love the picture of your husband holding Danielle! Bed head so you know it's first thing in the morning and a snuggled up baby with a cute hat. So sweet!