Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Busy Girl

I just realized that this post was sitting in my drafts folder and hadn't been published--oops!  The last few weeks have marked a dramatic increase in Natalie's interaction with the world around her.  She's really interested in where things are, where they went when they fall, and gets focused on a particular toy that she wants. 
Lately one of her favorite activities is to be plopped down in front of a basket of her toys, which she then methodically unloads, taking each toy out, looking at it, shaking it, tasting it, banging it on something, and then discarding it in favor of the next treasure in the basket.

This video was an attempt to capture Natalie's newest skill--army crawling!  Of course, she wouldn't cooperate for the camera, but she's still really cute. :)

1 comment:

Hillary said...

AH! She is so cute!!!