Sunday, January 3, 2010

Inspiration and Decoration

So the combination of the fact that most of the paint in our house is 8 years old, and the fact that I've been watching a lot of HGTV lately has inspired me to begin the process of repainting the rooms in our house. I decided that the main living area was too overwhelming a project to tackle first, so to get a little momentum going, I will be using my Christmas money to re-paint and do some decorating in our bedroom and bathroom.

I had a few ideas swirling around in my head, and yesterday Hillary and I spent an absolutely lovely afternoon immersing ourselves in paint chips, the decor aisle in Michaels, and the bedding sections of Bed, Bath & Beyond and Pottery Barn. Hillary has a great sense of style, knowledge about color and flair for finding bargains, so she was the perfect design consultant! We solidified the color palette, found new bedding and curtains for a crazy good deal, and really enjoyed hanging out in a non-work setting.

Today Todd, Nathan and I headed to Home Depot and purchased the paint. I took everything off the wall and removed all the outlet covers, and Todd did some spackling. So we've started the prep process, and hopefully soon will have freshly painted walls!

I will save all of the details for the final reveal (I told you I'd been watching a lot of HGTV lately!) but here is a teaser--the color palette and my inspiration decor. What do you think?

Now if only the furniture fairy would bestow a new bed and couch upon our household...

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