Sunday, January 17, 2010

George's Quilt

Our very good friends Ryan and Anne welcomed their son, George Hayden into the world on January 2nd. Todd and I are SO thrilled that there is another little boy in our close-knit circle. Newborns tend to inspire my quiltmaking muse, so I knew I had to make one to celebrate George's arrival. The internet is a wonderful resource, as I was able to see pictures of George's nursery and find some fabric that fit in well. Todd helped with the layout, and I sewed like a busy little bee all week in order to finish it in time to give it to R, A and G in person this weekend. Here are some photos of the finished product.


Unknown said...

So beautiful! Your quilt-making skills continue to amaze me!

Dan said...

You've got some MAD skilz JDEF. Mad.