Sunday, November 29, 2009

Visit from the Appledorns

On Sunday Annalee, Dan and Miles stopped by on their way home from Annalee's parents' house. They helped us eat some of the leftovers from ZMT, and we had a blast catching up with them and snuggling with baby Miles. He is such a sweetie! It is absolutely amazing how fast babies grow; I just saw Miles a few weeks ago and he's already so much bigger and has started smiling and is making new sounds. He is still a snuggler though, and I got some good cuddling time in with him. Nathan was very curious about this baby that Mommy and Daddy were taking turns holding, but didn't seem too phased by it. It will be so much fun when the two little guys will play together.

Todd and Miles

Nathan checking out Annalee's zipper pull (he has recently discovered these and loves to unzip things).

Nathan checking out Miles.

Baby Miles! Isn't he adorable???

Sweet newborn snuggles

Nathan was very intrigued by Miles' bouncy seat, and had to figure out how it works:

1 comment:

Dan said...

Love this! Cracks me up.