Saturday, November 14, 2009

Holiday Parade

Todd is spending this weekend in Northport with the guys, and I spent the afternoon at a baby shower (we can't wait to meet you, baby George!!), so Nathan hung out with Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Dan today. It was absolutely beautiful out today--60 degrees and sunny in November--so they took Nathan downtown for his first parade. I'm really bummed that I didn't get to go with them, but I'm thinking that it was probably nice for the three of them to have some time together. Nathan loved watching everything, especially the kids who were his fellow spectators.

The poor kid has been teething lately, with FOUR of his top teeth coming in simultaneously!! He's been a trooper about it though--only occasionally fussy. Grandma was able to get a photo of the new teeth today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love his little hat!