Sunday, August 24, 2008

20 week ultrasound

Well, on Friday we had our 20 week ultrasound--what an AMAZING experience!! We got to see all four chambers of the heart, the spine, the brain, the femur and humerus bones, the little arms and legs moving. For most of the ultrasound our little one was all curled up in a ball with legs firmly crossed over the genitals. The ultrasound tech had me change positions several times to try and get the baby to move and show us the goods, but no luck--this kid's stubborn already!! Finally she had me go and empty my bladder so there would be more room for the baby to move around. Luckily this did the trick, and we were able to learn that we are having a healthy baby BOY!!!! Both of us were surprised, as we'd had a pretty strong suspicion that it was a girl, but we are absolutely thrilled! I have always had a real soft spot for little boys, and the thought of having a son is pretty incredible. Todd and I couldn't stop grinning for the rest of the day!!
Our little guy's measurements were all totally normal (HUGE relief) and he currently weighs 12 oz, or, as my midwife said, as much as three sticks of butter! It's amazing how much more real it seems that we're having a baby now that we've seen him and know that it's a him! During the ultrasound his heartrate was 144 bpm, and then when we heard it on the doppler during our appointment with the midwife, it was up to 160 bpm, so he must have been caught up in our excitement too! I've posted some pictures, below, from the ultrasound.
A profile shot (head on the right, spine on the bottom, legs impossibly squished on top!)

He'll be so thrilled one day to know that a picture of his boy parts was posted on the internet!!

The bottom of his foot!

The front of his face, turned toward the camera for a photo op!

1 comment:

Arichica said...

Oh BOY!!! There's something about a baby boy and his mommy -- just you wait. I am very excited for you both.