Thursday, August 23, 2012

Eleven Months Old!

On Monday Natalie turned 11 months old.  She has really started to become more communicative in the last few weeks.  She points at things a lot, and her babbles have started mimicking the cadence of conversation.  She will also point to nose and eyes, either on us or on one of her dolls.  She is pulling up on everything, regardless of how sturdy it is, and has started getting into every nook and cranny that catches her eye.  Just in the last few days Natalie has started experimenting with standing without holding on to anything, as she has  decided that she wants to do things with both hands while standing up.  So far she only lasts for a second or two before falling down, but it won't be long before she's off and running!

Natalie started swim class and loves it!  Her favorite part is splashing the water when we sing "The horn on the bus goes BEEP, BEEP, BEEP."  She loves the bath too, although she is increasingly resistant to the concept that she can't pull up to a stand on the edge of the tub.  She says lots of Da da da, Ma ma ma and we're pretty sure that she knows who is who!  And she definitely knows who Nathan/Brother is!  She will point to things she finds interesting and show us the toy/cracker/cup she's holding if she thinks it's impressive. Such a little personality!

Natalie's becoming pretty darn spunky and mischievous.  She has a scrunchy face that she makes when she's annoyed or frustrated that you've taken something (like dirty laundry or the remote control) away from her, or when she can't reach something she wants.  If you tell her "no, no, Natalie" she'll give you the scrunchy face and produce a fake cry!  I'll often catch her reaching for something she knows she's not supposed to have while watching to see if I notice.  Stinker!!

She loves music, loves snuggling, and still loves nursing.  I love her.


This is her mischief making face!

Scrunchy face!

Showing off her four teeth!

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