Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend at the Beach

On Monday we had breakfast over at Florence and Basil's house and then headed down to the beach for a few hours before we had to hit the road for the reality of home and work the next day.  We had the entire stretch of beach to ourselves--such luxury!

Brynn testing out the role of beach bum

Boys, trucks, sand, water

Nancy's Aunt Phyllis was in town visiting from Reno.  I had never met her before, and it was lovely to get to know yet another member of the extended family.

Family pictures that include a toddler and an infant are pretty impossible! But these are four of my most favorite people ever.

Baby toes in the sand.

Chewing on a toy and contemplating the water.

I love the beach just as much as Nathan. We're right at home with our toes in the sand!

Daddy helped Natalie dip her toes in the Bay.

"Brrr, Daddy, that is COLD!!!!"

Daddy and Daughter. So sweet.

The best of the attempts at a family photo! :)


Miles is seriously, SERIOUSLY cute.

Basil even joined us on the beach for a bit!  He didn't trust the SPF 70 sunscreen that I gave him, so he supplemented that coverage with a newspaper. :)

My favorite boy.

Natalie and Papa

Beautiful Florence

Had to get some photos of the girls on the beach.  Natalie was not amused.  Brynn offered her support.

Brynn looked at me when her support made Natalie more upset.

Contemplating Natalie's reaction.

"You're right, Natalie, this photo shoot is NOT a good idea!!"

We took the cue from the babies that it was time to pack up and head home.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Oh my gosh - that series with the girls is SO funny!