Sunday, February 19, 2012

5 Months

Monday is Natalie's five month birthday!  Every day she gets more interactive with the world.  She has expanded her variety of cries to express frustration when a toy won't cooperate and irritation when she isn't fetched from her crib immediately upon awakening.  She also continues to increase the variety of her happy squeals and coos.  I've still only heard her laugh once, so hopefully that's the next developmental milestone on the horizon.  Natalie can pretty reliably roll from belly to back now, and has gone from back to belly a few times, but doesn't seem to feel the need to do that very much.  She loves her toys and is starting to really reach and grab for things now.

Nursing and pumping is still going well.  We're in the phase right now where Natalie hasn't started solids yet (we're waiting until she's six months old) but her appetite is increasing.  So that means extra pumping sessions for me.  While it's pretty much the last thing I feel like doing before bed, I don't really mind the additional pumping since it's the first time I've had to worry about my supply this time around rather than the constant stress that I had about supply with Nathan.

Nathan and Natalie are still really good buddies.  Nathan loves his baby sister, and often stops to talk with her or bring her a toy.  Natalie thinks Nathan is the funniest, most talented person she's ever seen.  It's really cute. :)  

Natalie continues to be a pretty laid back and a very smiley, happy baby.  Such a sweetie!  She wasn't really in the mood for a photo shoot this afternoon, so this series of photos doesn't really reflect how smiley she usually is, but she's still really cute.

Nathan wanted to get in on the photo action.  Such cutie pies!

Hi, Mommy, I'm five months old!

Bummed that Nathan left and she still has to sit here and pose

Oh! Nathan's back! A smile!

Checking out the pattern on her quilt

Another smile for big brother

This month she's discovered her feet and toes--fascinating!

And.... SCENE!

Photo shoots are exhausting.


Hillary said...

Such cute kids!

Jessica said...

i love her smile and cheeks! Cute Kids Jess, good job. :)