Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bring Your (Naughty) Son to Work Day!

On Tuesday of the week Todd was fishing, I got a phone call from Nathan's daycare provider at about 11:00 am, saying that N had bitten two of his friends. "Uh oh," I thought. N does not bite at home really, but when he is frustrated at school by competition for toys with his classmates, neither of whom have the vocabulary to resolve their conflict verbally, he vents that frustration by biting. Argh! The teachers, the books, the experts all assure me that this is just a phase, and as N learns better communication skills the need for defending his toys with his teeth will subside. I really, really hope they are right!! At this point it's not like I can sit N down and have a heart to heart with him about why biting is not the best conflict resolution method.

So... a few hours later, I get another call from the daycare provider that Nathan bit his third friend of the day, thus reaching the point in the center's biting policy (wow, crazy to work at a place that has to have a biting policy!) that required me to come and pick Nathan up from school. So since Todd was out of town and I had a TON of stuff left to do at work that day, Nathan came to the office with me!

Luckily I have a very supportive office environment so they weren't phased by the sticky note on my closed office door that warned: "toddler inside." In fact, my boss stopped in specifically because of that sign to say hello to Nathan! :) N was actually really well behaved. He did calmly and methodically trash my office, but no damage done and I was actually able to finish what I needed to. Whew, that was a crazy working mom balancing act--I really don't know how single moms do that all the time!

"Whoa, Mama, check out all of these brochures and business cards! Clearly they need rearranging!"

1 comment:

Hillary said...

So how long did it take you to clean up your floor?! :)