Sunday, September 29, 2013

New Baby!

Wow, I am way behind on my blog, and just realized I have not posted about the most important development in our lives!  We are having another baby!!  Yes, that's right, in February we will be a family of five.  I feel simultaneously nervous about being outnumbered by our children and really excited to meet this new little person and see how he or she completes our family.  Right now I am 19 weeks pregnant, and finally feeling good again.  First trimester was rough!  I was sicker this time around than I was with Nathan or Natalie, and the fact that with two little people needing my attention prevented me from taking naps whenever I needed them was a little challenging.  Now we are just counting down the days until Friday, when hopefully the baby will cooperate at the anatomy scan and reveal whether we will be having a boy or a girl!

Here is a photo of our new sweetie from the 12 week ultrasound:

1 comment:

Lacey said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see if you are having a boy or girl!