Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Burgers 'N Blues

An annual tradition at Kalamazoo College is that Friday evening the last week of class, the Jazz band performs an outdoor concert, and dining services offers a cookout in addition to the regular cafeteria fare. This year the weather was absolutely perfect! Nathan and I met Suzanne and her kiddos for a picnic on the upper quad. It was so much fun! They all loved the music (one of Ellie and Gavin's babysitters, Aaron, plays in the band so that made it extra cool). Nathan and Gavin had a blast running around like maniacs on the quad--it isn't often when you're a little kid that you can just run free in a public place.

Front row "seats."

Toddler on the loose!

Suz, Ellie and I chose to relax on the blankets while the boys ran around.

Running and giggling!

Examining an earthworm

I bet you can guess what happens next...

"I sitting NEXT to the water fountain, Mommy!"

And... SPLASH!! Luckily he managed to avoid complete submersion, but I still stripped him down to his diaper for the ride home so he wouldn't get the carseat soaking wet. :)

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Looks like a great night! It's events like burgers and blues that makes me wish I lived in Kalamazoo...sigh...