Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Egg Cookies

On Wednesday afternoon, I decided that it would be fun if Nathan and I made some Easter cookies together. We both had a blast! For those of you who have ever seen me make even so much as a bowl of cereal, you know that I am not afraid to make a mess in the kitchen. This tendency toward kitchen chaos went a long way toward me being able to relax and enjoy my 2-year-old sous chef's process.

I got all the ingredients ready before getting N involved. The cups contain an egg, melted butter, and flour. And yes, I used cookie mix. Judge away. :)

N couldn't believe his luck that I was encouraging him to dump all of this stuff out!

Time to mix all the ingredients

Helping spread the flour on the counter before rolling out the dough. I'm pretty sure we used slightly more flour than was technically required!

Time to cut out the egg shapes.

Now for the best part--decorating!

Can you tell which tray Nathan was in charge of decorating, and which tray was mine?