Friday, November 26, 2010

Dinner with the Andersons

Becky, Andy, Hannah and Leah were in Kalamazoo for the Thanksgiving holiday. We were lucky enough to have dinner with them on Wednesday night. It is amazing how much kiddos grow, especially when I don't get to see them very often. Leah especially has gotten tall and articulate since the last time I saw her--she's such a little girl now! Hannah is a very good big sister, and was really sweet with Nathan, playing with him and serving as a negotiator when N and Leah were both after the same toy.

It was really nice to catch up with Becky and Andy. Have I mentioned before that I miss them???

The Andersons just moved to New York City for a year. I'm hoping that we'll be able to get out there to visit while they live in a place that has tons of stuff to do, and there are often cheap plane tickets available.

Me, Becky, and the kiddos (Nathan, Leah, Hannah)

Hanging out while the kids run around like maniacs.

Nathan was SOOOO sleepy, but forced himself to stay awake because cool Hannah was playing with him. :)

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